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for individuals

We provide short-term peer coaching in healthcare and emergency settings, as well as long-term peer coaching for a life of health and wellness.

Short-term Coaching

With consent, our short-term Peer Recovery Coaches are dispatched to hospitals, emergency settings and clinics to share resources. Our intention is to make sure your moment of crisis is met with compassion, empathy, and resources for what to do next. This can be our long-term coaching, family support services, or additional resources through our many partners.

Long-term Coaching

Peer Recovery Coaches help individuals craft their own recovery path and assist with the process, addressing challenges and barriers you may face when it comes to navigating the complexities of a healthcare system. We will always meet you wherever you are because we know recovery is individualized and not linear. Our goal is to support your journey, spark hope, and allow you to see that we can and do recover.

We Are here for you

Our peer coaching programs were created by the recovery community for the recovery community. All of our coaches are in long-term recovery because we believe that having lived experience allows us to best understand and relate to you. Coaches lead with empathy and compassion because we know how important it is to be heard and feel supported.

“I just remind people that we can’t do this alone. I couldn’t do this alone so I’m here for you.”


Not a Treatment Center

Clinical treatment is a short-term intervention that often acts as a stepping stone to long-term recovery. At USARA, we believe recovery is about a life of wellness and will stick by your side for the journey.

We understand that building trust takes time and our peer coaches are dedicated to your recovery. Our goal is to build a relationship over time, simplify the process, and help you move from one phase to the next.

Family Support groups are facilitated by peer coaches that meet weekly to share experiences and engage in skills-based learning together.

We build collaborative partnerships to destigmatize substance use, remove barriers that negatively impact people in the recovery community, and promote legislation that creates positive change to improve the lives of Utahns.

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