12 meetings found.
Salt Lake Recovery Community Center
- Meetings
- Salt Lake Recovery Community Center
Leather, Fetish, and Kink in Recovery CMA (In person)
Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness - USARA, 180 E 2100 S #100, Salt Lake City, UT 84115, USA, SLC RCC-2-Suite 203-Suite 203 Group Room (40)ContactsJames Jordan Greenwellcell: (435) 901-7678email: greenwelljordan@gmail.com
Sexaholics Anonymous (Hybrid – join online or in person!)
Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness - USARA, 180 E 2100 S #100, Salt Lake City, UT 84115, USA, SLC RCC-2-Suite 203-Suite 203 Group Room (40)https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86238197798?pwd=OTA2ZmY5YUVzcURMRllId3JyRVliZz09
SMART Recovery (Hybrid – join virtually or in person)
Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness - USARA, 180 E 2100 S #100, Salt Lake City, UT 84115, USA, SLC RCC-1-Suite 100-Suite 100 Group Room (50)https://smartrecovery.zoom.us/j/932119283ContactsJamielemail: jamielk101@gmail.com
Clean Life Community – Outreach Kits (In person)
SLC RCC-1-Suite 100-Suite 100 Group Room (50)Sunday Morning Big Book Study (Hybrid – join virtually or in person!)
Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness - USARA, 180 E 2100 S #100, Salt Lake City, UT 84115, USA, SLC RCC-1-Suite 100-Suite 100 Group Room (50)https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89418418350?pwd=Rm9PSExNU3BEbURuZ09EaUpvcUZtdz09
Recovery Dharma (Hybrid – join virtually or in person!)
Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness - USARA, 180 E 2100 S #100, Salt Lake City, UT 84115, USA, SLC RCC-1-Suite 100-Suite 100 Group Room (50)https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2361179850?pwd=NXhUUDNsUUpWYTNxdkhIOUcwNEhSUT09ContactsSteve Slateremail: slater.stevej@gmail.com
Clean, Sober, and Proud CMA – LGBTQ+ Focus (In person)
Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness - USARA, 180 E 2100 S #100, Salt Lake City, UT 84115, USA, SLC RCC-2-Suite 203-Suite 203 Group Room (40)ContactsBuzz Tcell: (801) 664-5225email: actalbotslc@gmail.com
Sexaholics Anonymous (Hybrid – join virtually or in person!)
Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness - USARA, 180 E 2100 S #100, Salt Lake City, UT 84115, USA, SLC RCC-2-Suite 203-Suite 203 Group Room (40)https://zoom.us/j/608422086?pwd=Y1VmV2xsSWc4QVpaR3FHZDNOZnJsZz09