Hopeful Changes Women’s Group (In person)
Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness - USARA, 180 E 2100 S #100, Salt Lake City, UT 84115, USA, SLC RCC-1-Suite 100-Suite 100 Group Room (50)ContactsMeg Kisselburgcell: (801) 652-4840email: megk19@gmail.com
Crystal Meth Anonymous (In person)
Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness - USARA - Ogden 893 24th St, Ogden, UT, United StatesSupport Group for Survivors of Suicide Loss
SLC RCC-2-Suite 205-Suite 205 Conference Room (18)ContactsLacee Mortensencell: (435) 669-3389email: lacee.n.m@gmail.com
MAT Recovery Support Group (Virtual)
Self-Compassion Break (Virtual)
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86950545911?pwd=OFZGMlFiTWVkcHp2Yi8yQmVmSWhyUT09A self compassion break is a short practice that can help you feel less isolated, acknowledge stress, and practice self-compassion when you are struggling. This practice is open to everyone!
Self-Compassion Break (Virtual)
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86950545911?pwd=OFZGMlFiTWVkcHp2Yi8yQmVmSWhyUT09A self compassion break is a short practice that can help you feel less isolated, acknowledge stress, and practice self-compassion when you are struggling. This practice is open to everyone!
Self-Compassion Break (Virtual)
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86950545911?pwd=OFZGMlFiTWVkcHp2Yi8yQmVmSWhyUT09A self compassion break is a short practice that can help you feel less isolated, acknowledge stress, and practice self-compassion when you are struggling. This practice is open to everyone!
Self-Compassion Break (Virtual)
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86950545911?pwd=OFZGMlFiTWVkcHp2Yi8yQmVmSWhyUT09A self compassion break is a short practice that can help you feel less isolated, acknowledge stress, and practice self-compassion when you are struggling. This practice is open to everyone!
Self-Compassion Break (Virtual)
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86950545911?pwd=OFZGMlFiTWVkcHp2Yi8yQmVmSWhyUT09A self compassion break is a short practice that can help you feel less isolated, acknowledge stress, and practice self-compassion when you are struggling. This practice is open to everyone!
Self-Compassion Break (Virtual)
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86950545911?pwd=OFZGMlFiTWVkcHp2Yi8yQmVmSWhyUT09A self compassion break is a short practice that can help you feel less isolated, acknowledge stress, and practice self-compassion when you are struggling. This practice is open to everyone!
Coffee & Recovery – Ogden (Hybrid – join virtually or in person!)
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/84527707707?pwd=pnsLRCwODPuOrO4Q3UnBjhYj64BvD2.1 (ID: 84527707707, passcode: 642553)Join by phone(US) +1 564-217-2000 (passcode: 642553)Joining instructions: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://applications.zoom.us/addon/invitation/detail?meetingUuid%3D8hALuLkfSs6VDECA569gnw%253D%253D%26signature%3D7b5ca8bc518361ef1ef93b4945bc4e702133503300216e7889ecc5c342f75ba0%26v%3D1&sa=D&source=calendar&usg=AOvVaw1HemuJZ5yvZTZ721h85OAPMeeting host: patrick.cox@myusara.comJoin Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84527707707?pwd=pnsLRCwODPuOrO4Q3UnBjhYj64BvD2.1